Gravely Mowers Price Guide & List

What Should I Pay For A Gravely Lawn Mower? Factors To Consider

Lawn Condition And Size

You want your mower to be able to handle your lawn’s size and condition if you really want to do the job efficiently. It is better to use riding mowers than walk-behind models for larger areas. And zero-turns are your best shot if you have to navigate around lawn decors.


If you comb through the market, youll notice that most commercial-grade Gravely mowers arent that cheap. They offer affordable products like ZT XL, ZT XL and ZT HD.

Frequency Of Use

Not all lawns are the same, so expect that some may need mowing more frequently. Because of this, you may want to buy mowers that require less maintenance, like zero-turns.

The Top 3 Gravely Mowers Today, And Their Prices

1. Gravely ZT HD52 Zero Turn Mower (Kawasaki).

This model is able to handle rough terrain because it features seat isolation which reduces vibration during cutting operations. On top of that, its made of a 10-gauge steel deck that allows airflow and delivers industrial strength. The mower deck is large enough to accommodate large mowing areas.

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2. Gravely ZTX 132 Cm Kawasaki F691V

Its easy-to-use pins and levers are the main reason why most experts recommend this unit for beginners. It also has a fully-welded steel frame that provides enough strength to handle your seasonal lawn care needs. This model is more affordable than other options.

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3. Gravely ZT HD 60 Zero Turn Mower (Kawasaki)

This ZT HD unit is often mistaken for an ordinary commercial mower. Its not a surprise because it does have a commercial deck design with 10-gauge steel that can power through rough mowing conditions. We also liked the tubular frame, which provides excellent stability for driving up hills.

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Where To Find Gravely Zero-Turn Mowers For Sale Near Me

Our lawn care team recommends visiting the brand’s website if you don’t have the time to go to a store to buy Gravely Mowers. They have a section where you can search for a specific brand and select where to find a dealer. Through this, youll easily find the Gravely Mowers prices and the list of nearby stores.


If you’re dealing with commercial mowing or rough lawn tasks, the Gravely Mowers selections are a great choice.

Although it may come off as more pricey than other brands, believe our experts when we say that these units are designed to withstand harsh mowing conditions and can last longer than cheaper alternatives.